Super 8 Features films
SON OF SINBAD (B/W) 4X400 £39.99. Dale Robertson, Vincent Price classic Arabian Nights adventure. Original Heritage Films boxes.
FLYING DOWN TO RIO 2X600 + 1X400 (B/W) £59.99. Fred Astaire, and Ginger Rogers classic RKO musical. Original labels.
SHALL WE DANCE (B/W) 2X400 £19.99. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers classic musical. Some light lines. Original Derann boxes.
ALL IN GOOD FUN (B/W) 1X800 £39.99. Bob Monkhouse introduces comedy clips from the early days of cinema. Very good print. All three parts joined together.
GONE WITH THE WEST 3X400 £39.99. James Caan, Stefanie Powers star in this action western. Rare print from IE International. Fair colour.
TEX RIDES WITH THE BOY SCOUTS (B/W) 2X400 £9.99. Tex Ritter classic 1937 western. Two very full reels but no end credits.
Super 8 Shorts
THE SMALL ONE 1X200 £14.99. Walt Disney Christmas short. Fair colour. Original box.
CLOWN OF THE JUNGLE 1X200 £16.99. Donald Duck classic. Good colour. Original Disney box.
DONALD AND PLUTO 1X200 £16.99. Donald Duck, Pluto classsic. Good colour. Original Disney box.
TWO GUN GOOFY 1X200 £12.99. Goofy cartoon classic. Good colour print in original Disney box.
LEGEND OF COYOTE ROCK 1X200 £12.99. Pluto cartoon classic. Good colour in original Disney box.
THE DWARFS DILEMMA 1X200 £9.99. Extract from Snow White. Original label.
MATCH OF THE CENTURY 1X200 £9.99. Extract from Bedknobs and Broomsticks. Original label.
CANNERY WOE 1X200 £12.99. Sylvester and Speedy Gonzales classic.
BALLOT BOX BUNNY 1X200 £12.99. Bugs Bunny classic. Good colour print. Original Techno Films box.
FEATHER BLUSTER 1X200 £12.99. Foghorn Leghorn classic. Good colour print. Original Techno Films box.
THE JET CAGE 1X200 £12.99. Tweety and Sylvester classic. Good colour print. Original Techno Films box.
AINT SHE TWEET 1X200 £12.99. Tweety and Sylvester classic. Good colour print. Original Techno Films box.
SPACE HOPPER 1X200 £11.99. The Perishers BBC animated series. Original label. Very good Fuji colour print.
EMERGENCY + 4 1X200 £9.99. Two animated adventures. The Circus Story and Fire At Sea. Very good colour. Original box.
SPAT 1X200 £8.99. The Great Grape Ape cartoon. Good colour.
PUBLIC GRAPE No.1 1X200 £8.99. The Great Grape Ape cartoon. Good colour. Original case.
THE PLATYPUS (B/W) 1X200 £8.99. Animal Land cartoon from Rank Films. Original Walton Films box.
THE BONGO PUNCH (B/W) 1X200 £9.99. Pepe Chickeeto cartoon from Universal.
HUNGER STRIFE 1X200 £9.99. Pierre Dear cartoon. Fair/Good colour print. Original label.
WOODYS CLIP JOINT (B/W) £8.99. Woody Woodpecker cartoon. Original label.
BOX OF TRICKS (B/W) 1X200 £9.99. Vintage Gandy Goose cartoon.
SWISS MISFIT (B/W) 1X200 £8.99. Chilly Willy cartoon classic.
FISH HOOKED 1X200 £11.99. Chilly Willy cartoon classic. Original Castle Films box.
CLASSIC FILMS. Laurel and Hardy, The Three Stooges, Andy Clyde, Little Rascals etc. Films from the golden days of the cinema.
MUSIC MEN (B/W) 1X200 £11.99. Laurel and Hardy classic comedy. Extract from Flying Deuces. Original label.
MUSICAL MOMENTS (B/W) 1X200 £11.99. Laurel and Hardy classic comedy. Extracts from Swiss Miss, Way Out West and The Music Box. Original label.
STEPPING ON THE GAS (B/W) 1X200 £4.99. Keystone comedy classic with music and effects soundtrack. Original box.
THE ADVENTURER (B/W) 1X200 £9.99. Charlie Chaplin classic comedy with music track.
ONE A.M. (B/W Silent) 1X200 £8.99. Charlie Chaplin classic comedy.
NIGHT OWLS (BW Silent) 1X200 £8.99. Laurel and Hardy classic comedy.
CHIMPS LAST CHANCE (B/W Silent) £7.99. Old time comedy with performing monkees. Original Castle Films box.
PERFECT DAY 1X200 (B/W) £12.99. Laurel & Hardy classic comedy. Original Walton Films box.
CRAZY KITCHEN (B/W) 1X200 £9.99. Snub Pollard vintage comedy with music track.
CAPTAIN KIDD'S KIDS (B/W Silent) 1X200 £8.99. Harold Lloyd classic comedy.
CONEY ISLAND (B/W Silent) 1X400 £19.99. Fatty Arbuckle and Buster Keaton classic comedy.
CHARLIE ON THE FARM (B/W Silent) 1X200 £8.99. Charlie Chaplin classic comedy.
STEPPING ON THE GAS (B/W Silent) 1X200 £4.99. Keystone comedy classic. Original box.
TRAVEL, NEWS, INTEREST. Lots of interesting shorts from Pathe Pics to Look at Life etc.
THE FLYING SCOTSMAN RUNS AGAIN (B/W) 1X400 £19.99. A filmed record of the 40th Anniversary Run (May 1968) of the Flying Scotsman, London to Edinburgh. Made by the BBC.
LETS GO TO BIRMINGHAM (B/W) 1X150 £14.99. British Transport Film. Driver's-eye view of the rail track on the Paddington to Birmingham run of the Blue Pullman, to the accompaniment of Johann Strauss's 'Perpetuum Mobile'.
THE MOTORWAY FILE 2X400 £24.99. Edgar Lustgarten investigates the causes of a fatal accident on a motorway, in the course of which, many aspects of road safety are revealed. Made by the Central Office of Information 1975. Excellent colour print.
DRIVE CAREFULLY DARLING 1X400 £16.99. Stresses the importance of observing road safety rules as an essential element of good driving. Hosted by Frank Bough. Made by the Central Office of Information 1975 . Excellent colour print.
JOSIAH WEDGWOOD AND THE ENGLISH POTTERIES 1X400 £19.99. Documentary about the famous potter in Staffordshire. Excellent colour print.
MOVIETONE SCOPE NEWS (Scope) 1X200 £16.99. Cowes week in the Isle of Wight. Excellent Derann Lpp polyester colour print.
ENGINE ON THE SHED (B/W) 1X400 £24.99. The maintenance of a main-line locomotive at an engine shed before and after each trip. Excellent polyester print. Original DCR Films box.
PASSENGER No.1 1X300 £24.99. Old steam trains, Stockton and Darlington railway. Excellent Agfa polyester print. Made by the BTA. Original Derann box.
THE ROYAL WEDDING OF PRINCE CHARLES AND LADY DIANA SPENCER 1X400 £14.99. July 29th 1981 the great Royal occasion. Fair/good colour print. Original Waltons Films case.
FOOTPLATE EXPRESS (B/W) 1X200 £12.99. Steam Engine short. Original PM Films box.
CHICHESTER CONQUERS THE SEA (B/W) 1X200 £12.99. Sir Francis Chichester's solo voyage around the world in Gypsy Moth IV. Original Waltons Films box.
INVESTITURE OF PRINCE OF WALES and THE QUEENS SILVER JUBILEE 1X400 £14.99. Two Royalty Films spliced together. Fair colour.
THE FASTEST ANIMAL ON EARTH. 1X200 £11.99. Documentary about the Cheetah. Excellent Fuji colour print.
PATHE PIC : MOSCOW 1X200 £16.99. A trip to the Moscow Circus School. Good colour print.
1974 POWER BOAT RACE 1X200 £6.99. Off Shore Powerboat race from Torquay to Cowes. Covered by Movietone news. Faded/Fair colour print.
THE SMALLEST PUBLIC RAILWAY IN THE WORLD (B/W) 1X200 £12.99. Romney Hythe and Dymchurch railway. Original Waltons Films box.
TEST PILOT 1X200 £16.99. Look At Life short about looking at the work involved in being a test pilot of jet planes, particularly concentrating on one test pilot, Jim Dell. Excellent Agfa colour print. Original Derann box.
CONTROLLED LANDING 1X200 £16.99. Look At Life short about.inside the control tower of London Airport, and shows the talk-down procedure for an incoming comet arriving in a fog. Excellent Agfa polyester colour print. Original Derann box.
PLAYING TRAINS 1X200 £12.99. Look at Life short. British Railways have ceased to use steam trains, but they are still running on branch lines owned by private individuals. Fair colour.
DRAW THE FIRES 1X200 £12.99. Look At Life short. An interim report on the modernisation of the railways, which will by 1972 replace steam locomotives by diesels and overhead electrification. Fair colour print. Original DCR Filoms box.
THE BLACK ARROWS 1X200 £12.99. Look at Life short. Exploits the internationally famous formation team and their aerobatic daring in Hunter jets. Fair colour print.
PATHE NEWS REVIEW 1965) 1X200 £12.99. All the best news items of the year. Original Derann box. Fair colour.
MOVIETONE NEWS (Scope) 1X200 £16.99. Cowes week in the Isle of Wight. Excellent Lpp polyester Derann print. Original box.
MOVIETONE NEWS REVIEW 1950 (B/W) 1X200 £14.99. All the best news items of the year. Original Powell Films box.
GAUMONT BRITISH NEWS 1945 (B/W) 1X200 £14.99. All the best news items of the year. Original Fletcher Films case.
MUSIC SNAPS No.2 1X150 £11.99. The Sailors Hornpipe sung and danced by Thomas Round from Ruddigore. DCR Films release. Fair colour.
THE ROYAL WEDDING 1X200 £9.99. Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phillips wedding. Very good Agfa colour print. Original Waltons Films box.
PATHE PIC AROUND THE WORLD 1X200 £11.99. A whirlwind tour visiting various countries. Original Derann box. Fair/Faded colour.
150TH ANNIVERSARY OF STEAM 1X200 £9.99. Steam engine short. Original Walton Films box. Very good colour just missing opening front credits.
THE FLYING SCOTSMAN 1X200 £11.99. Steam engine short. Original Fletcher Films box. Fair colour.
SOUTH AFRICA'S ANIMAL PLAYGROUND (B/W) 1X200 £8.99. Kruger National Park in South Africa.
THE RED ARROWS 1X200 £9.99. Movietone News take a look at the famous aerobatic team. Fair colour.
ROYAL DECADE 1X200 £8.99. Queen Elizabeth II first ten years on the throne. Made by Pathe News. Fair colour.
JUBILEE REEL No.1 1X200 £8.99. Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee. Movietone News. Fair colour.
JUBILEE DAY 1977 1X200 £8.99. Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee. Movietone News. Fair colour.
AMERICA ON PARADE 1X200 £11.99. Carnival parade at Walt Disney World. Good colour. Original label.
THE WHALE THAT BECAME A STAR (B/W) £7.99. Castle Films short goes to a waterlife park. Original label.
GRAND NATIONAL 1977 1X200 £7.99. Movietone News covers this horse racing event won by Red Rum. Fair colour.
TROOPING THE COLOUR 1X200 £7.99. Movietone News covers this Royal event. Fair colour. Original box.
THE PELICAN 1X200 £6.99. Wildlife documentary from the Natures Window series. Fair colour print.
THE BUFFALO 1X200 £6.99. Wildlife documentary from the Natures Window series. Original case. Fair colour print.
LOOK AGAIN AT BIRDS FEEDING (Silent) 1X200 £5.99. RSPB wildlife documentary. Fair colour.
SQUADRON 992 (B/W) 1X600 £34.99. Documentary about the RAF. Excellent Lpp polyester prestriped print.
VICKERS AVIATION (B/W) 1X400 £24.99. Starts with the 50th anniversary of Brooklands race track and then looks at the history of Vickers aircraft during that period. Excellent DCR Films print in original box.
THE CHALLENGE OF AIR DEFENCE 1X250 £19.99. A look at the American military air defence. Rare film. Excellent Lpp polyester prestriped print.
THIS IS MOVIETONE (B/W) 1X200 £12.99. The last Movietone News made that looks back over the years. Original Derann case.
THRILLS AND CHILLS (B/W) 1X300 £19.99. Robert Youngson short from Warner Bros. Very good print.
CRASH CAVALCADE (B/W) 1X200 £12.99. A compilation of motorsport car crashes. Originally silent with added music soundtrack. Original Walton Films box.
ACROSS THE FIRTH OF FOURTH 1X200 (B/W) £9.99. Steam engines on the famous bridge. Original Fletcher Films case.
LINDBERGHS FLIGHT TO PARIS 1927 (B/W Silent) £9.99. Original Collectors Club box.
MOUNT TITLIS 10,000 FEET (Silent) 1X50 £8.99. Cable cars in central Switzerland. Made in the 50's Excellent Agfa colour print. Original case.
I SURRENDER DEAR (B/W) 1X200 £11.99. Bing Crosby musical short. Original Collectors Club box.
DREAMHOUSE (B/W) 1X200 £11.99. Bing Crosby musical comedy short.0
SPRING QUARTET 1X400 £19.99. The designs of four spring flowers for UK stamps. Made by the post office.
REVIEW No.1 28TH YEAR 1X200 £12.99. Tomorrows Money. An account of the evolution of banking and credit systems in Britain. Made in 1974 by National Coal Board. Good colour.
WORLD OF THE HORSE 1X200 £12.99. Movietone News look at various horse events. Very good colour. Original Powell Films box.
FABULOUS HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS 1X200 £9.99. The World famous Basketball team in this Castle Films short. Fair/good colour. Original label.
AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINES 1X200 £9.99. Australian documentary. Fair colour.
DOWN MEMORY LANE (B/W) 1X200 £11.99. Hollywood on Parade featuring Maurice Chevalier.
WORLD CUP FINAL 1970 (Silent) £7.99. The football World Cup final in Mexico. Original Walton Films box.
FLYING SCOTSMAN & WESTERN ENEAVOUR 1X200 £12.99. Two world famous steam locomotives. Original case.
FABULOUS HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS (B/W) 1X200 £8.99. The World famous Basketball team in this Castle Films short.
LOOK AGAIN AT GARDEN BIRDS (Silent) 1X200 £4.99. Bird wildlife short.
RACCOON PRAIRIE DOG 1X200 £6.99. Natures Window series. Orig. case.
Super 8mm Cut Downs
SOFT BEDS HARD BATTLES 1X600 £29.99. Peter Sellers classic comedy. PM Films print with fair colour. Original label.
SHOW BOAT 1X400 £14.99. Howard Keel, Kathryn Grayson MGM classic musical. Original case. Fair colour.
THE STORY OF VERNON AND IRENE CASTLE (B/W) 1X400 £14.99. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers classic musical. Film Office print. Original label.
BORN FREE 1X400 £14.99. Virginia McKenna, Bill Travers classic adventure. Fair colour print. Original label.
THE FAST LADY 1X400 £14.99. James Robertson Justice, Lesley Phillips classic comedy. Fair/good Fuji colour print. Original Derann case.
INTERNATIONAL VELVET 1X400 £12.99. Tatum O'Neal, Christopher Plummer classic drama. Fair/good colour. Some lines.
THE GREAT WALDO PEPPER 1X400 £14.99. Robert Redford adventure. Good colour print. Orignal Universal Films case.
GOODBYE EMMANUELLE 1X400 £16.99. Sylvia Kristel adult sexy drama. Original case.
TERROR OF THE DEEP (B/W) £9.99. Classic sci fi vintage horror.
PALS RETURN (B/W) 1X200 £9.99. After a dog saves a small boy's life, the boy's parents accept him into their home. 1948 classic adventure.
LITTLE EGYPT (B/W) 1X200 £9.99. 1951 drama with Ronda Fleming. Originally a silent print which has been striped and added music track.
THE SEA RIVALS (B/W) 1X200 £8.99. Gregory Peck, Anthony Quinn classic adventure. Original Universal 8 box.
BLOOD ON THE SUN (B/W Silent) 1X200 £5.99. James Cagney classic.
THE PRODIGAL SON (B/W Silent) 1X200 £5.99. Early 1900's silent classic. Original case.
THE SOUND OF MUSIC 1X200 £9.99. Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer classic musical.
CRAIG'S WIFE (B/W) 1X400 £13.99. Rosalind Russell classic drama. Original box.
LOVE IS A MANY SPLENDORED THING 1X200 £7.99. William Holden, Jennifer Jones. Fair colour. Original box.
HENNESSY 1X200 £8.99. Rod Steiger, Lee Remick action thriller.
BORN FREE 1X200 £8.99. Virginia McKenna, Bill Travers classic adventure. Original box.
Super 8 Trailers
PAINT YOUR WAGON (Scope) 1X100 £4.99. Clint Eastwood musical. Print is reversed image and variable sound. Excellent colour.
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